“May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.”

Alex and Julie Palomares
Founders of Palomares Ministries
Palomares Ministries is a teaching ministry whose purpose is to strengthen hearts for Christ primarily through discipleship. God has developed in us a passion for communicating His unconditional love and grace with those who haven’t heard this life-giving good news.
We thank you for your interest in our life’s work. As you explore our website to learn more about us, be sure to check out the teachings and resources we’ve included for you. We would also enjoy hearing from you. Please contact us with your questions or comments.
Alex and Julie came to know the Lord while they lived in Puebla, Mexico in 1982. They have three grown children: Amelia, her husband Jordan, David, his wife Lauren and Amanda. Alex and Julie attended Charis Bible College where they graduated in 2009
July 1, 2010 they were ordained into the ministry and now reside in Queretaro, Mexico where they serve as directors of Charis Bible College’s first Spanish speaking campus in Mexico.
Jesus does command us to go and make disciples. What a great privilege it is to encourage, to model by example and to teach others how to live out their everyday life in Christ. With a simple tool called Discipleship Evangelism we can all impact our world fulfilling this charge He has given us to reach others.
On the newsletter page you’ll find all the lessons and you can even download them for free. You can use the same tool that we are using on the field in Mexico to share with others what God has done for them.
"Go back home to your own people, and report to them how much the Lord has done for you and how He has had mercy on you." Mark 5:19 (HCSB)
Please check back soon for testimonies.
OUTR'EACH, v. To go or extend beyond.
As our relationships on the mission field grow, we will keep you informed of opportunities and projects.
"And let us be concerned about one another in order to promote love and good works."
Hebrews 10:23-25 HCSB
School Training
Through Charis Bible College Mexico we have the mission to share the Gospel around the world, and thoroughly train ministers go to the uttermost parts of the earth!
Our training options include 2 to 3 years of ministry training, depending on the student calling.
Missions Trips
As part of our training program in Mexico, we believe missions trips are a valuable opportunity for our students to learn how to work as a team in a foreign culture. Our goal is to share the Gospel in every possible way during these missions trips.