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Fall 2019 Update
Dear Partners and Family
What can eleven students, eight kids and a bunch of sandwiches do to change Queretaro? A lot more than any of us had anticipated!
Saturday, Nov. 9th was the off-week for our Charis MX students; however, our assistant, César, had requested that he and his wife, Faby, be allowed to…
Spring 2019 Update
Dear Partners and Family
What do you get when you send a Charis Mexico Missions team to an amazing ministry named Lighthouse of Hope in Chiapas (southern Mexico near Guatemala) for eight days of work and outreach???
The answer is “so much more than we could have imagined!”
The team ministered to…
Fall 2018 Update
hello dear partner
From the graduation of our 8 second year students (May 25) to the start of the 2018-19 school year (September 1) we have some great news to share with you!
Spring 2018 Update
hello dear partner
It is Alex’s and my great pleasure to send you good news form Querétaro, México! In February, our team…
Winter 2018 Update
hello dear partner
It is Alex’s and my great pleasure to send you good news form Querétaro, México!
January 23-30 we received…
Summer 2017 Update
dear fRiends and family
It never ceases to bless and personally challenge us to have the opportunity to be able to share some of the exciting happenings at Charis Mexico and Palomares Ministries!
The Lord has once again provided supernatural opportunities during our 2016-2017 school year to disciple and to reach others with the Good News of the Gospel! The first week of December, we….
June 2016 Update
dear fRiends and family
On Saturday, May 28th we reached a very important ministry milestone! Six part-time students successfully finished their Charis Bible College course of study! They have been with us since the school opened its doors in the fall of 2012. They been…
Special Report 2015
How Many Lives Can Be Impacted in a Week?
We are excited to share with you a couple of the highlights from the Mission team we hosted from Charis Bible College Colorado (9 students and 2 leaders). During an action-packed week of activities, we saw…
Fall 2015 Update
God’s Goodness: Seed Bearing Fruit
There is no other time of year like Fall. The arrival of cooler weather, the gathering-in of an abundant harvest and the celebration of God’s goodness on Thanksgiving make this season a special time of year to reflect and give thanks. Recently, our thoughts have turned toward a phrase from Genesis 1:29 (NLV) which says, “fruit that gives seeds”. If you think about it, being able to enjoy fruit, which a tree produces season after season, is amazing and awesome in itself. However, God’s goodness really knows no bounds! Not only does He give us fruit to enjoy, but within the fruit itself there is an unlimited supply of future fruit contained in its seeds! The potential of the fruit is determined by what one does with the seeds! We are so honored to share with you some of the fruit…
Mission: Belize 2015
A Major Milestone for CBC Mexico
On March 10, 2015, six second year CBC MX students, Alex and I set out on a supernatural adventure to the neighboring country of Belize. Most of the students on this team could not have imagined that they would be able to do something like this when they first enrolled in Charis Bible College México three years ago! The first time we made the announcement about fulfilling the mission trip requirement, most of the students looked back at us in disbelief wondering how they would ever be able to achieve this. One student…
Fall 2014 Update
Bushel Upon Bushel of Blessings
There just isn’t any other season quite like fall! It’s a unique time of activity, harvest and thanksgiving. The work of bringing in the harvest turns to the giving of thanks to the Lord as we begin to see all that has been accomplished. Even though, we miss the beautiful colors and activities of fall in the US, we are so honored to be able to share with you the “bushels of blessings” that abound this year here in Queretaro, Mexico!
One of those amazing blessings arrived this summer through some…
Spring 2014 Update
Spring Breaks Forth at CBC México!
Spring has come to Queretaro, México! And one knows that is true when the entire city turns purple with its Jacaranda trees blooming everywhere. This spring also began in a special way for CBC MX (Charis Bible College México) when Greg and Janice Mohr arrived to teach and minister during our…
Summer 2013 Update
November 12th of last year we began offering a free Bible study on Tuesday (DE) evenings for anyone who would be willing to attend. Several of our Charis Bible College students who had already had their lives changed by this same course sprang into action inviting people they knew to come and discover for themselves just how good God is! Over the course of the months that followed, we are happy to report that…
JAN - FEB 2013 Update
Go to work in the morning and stick to it until evening without watching the clock... Eccl. 11:6 (MSG) This truly is the description of our life here in Queretaro, Mexico! We’ve never been “clock watcher” and have always enjoyed our work, but little did we know when CBC Mexico’s doors opened that the “clock” would completely go out the window! We had no idea how literally that scripture had been being fulfilled in our lives until one of us realized it was February! And now that we found the “clock”, it’s time to bring you up to speed on all that has been happening here in Central Mexico!
Late Fall was filled with…
Winter 2013 Update
Celebrating the Lord’s Faithfulness in Central Mexico!
As fall has given way to winter in Querétaro, México, we are entering into this holiday season with our hearts overflowing with thanksgiving for all the wonderful things we have to report since our last update! Please join us in celebrating this good news!
On September 7, CBC MX began…
Aug - Sep 2012 Update
On Saturday, September 22, 2012 Charis Bible College’s First Spanish Speaking campus in Mexico opened its doors to 20 part time students. After 2 years of preparation and planning, the long awaited moment arrived when we all listened to Andrew Wommack welcoming the first class of CBC MX students in a message that he recorded especially for them. Together we experienced another first as we listened to Andrew’s teaching about the importance of the Word of God in our lives voiced over into Spanish! Every day we are seeing more and more of…
May - July 2012 Update
47...46...45...days and counting…
...down until an opportunity that hasn’t been available before in Central México becomes a reality for anyone with a desire to know more about Jesus and His plan for their life! A center of biblical teaching, training and practical ministry where people from all social, economic and spiritual backgrounds can come and participate in free Bible studies, read free materials, purchase books and even enroll in Charis Bible College! A place dedicated to the fulfillment of Jesus’ great command to go out into the world and make disciples!
Feb - April 2012 Update
Have you ever been in the midst of an important project when opportunities present themselves? February, March and April have been overflowing with this interesting combination of projects and
opportunities! Developing the CBC Mexico web site, writing the bilingual content, opening a business bank account, meeting with our new accountant (featured below) and making a trip to Ciudad Victoria (6 hrs. north of us) to check on the voiceover of the Bible school curriculum are some of the projects to name a few. The opportunities
we have experienced along the way are a source of joy for us.
Dec - Jan 2012 Update
First thing Tuesday morning (12/20) we jumped into a taxi with suitcases stuffed in around us headed for the terminal to catch our 3 hour bus ride which thankfully takes us directly to the airport in Mexico City. This is how international trips begin for us these days. 3 hours later, we were stateside hugging our son and daughter-in- law at Orlando Intl. airport and eager to be reunited with the rest of our family over the next week or so.
Spending the…
Oct - Nov 2011 Update
One of the wonderful things about walking with the Lord is experiencing His work ethic. He has amazing ways of getting things done. When He talked to us about returning to Mexico, He assured us not to be concerned about how difficult it had been for us when we lived here 30 years ago; and every day was a major challenge! He told us that as we took steps, it would be as if we were walking on a moving belt because He already had things in motion! The Lord was not exaggerating in the least when He promised this. Ever since we’ve arrived here, we…
Aug - Sep 2011 Update
Last year at this time, Alex and I were spending very long hot days sitting on a small cushioned bench (our only piece of furniture at the time) in an empty house anticipating being able to begin our work here in Queretaro. One morning we woke up to the incredibly…
July 2011 Update
“I would like you both to meet my pastor at this summer’s conference”, Pastor Rogelio told us before we left his church in Colima. The Lord used some AWMI pamphlets our sister-in-law had given to a friend who lives there and attends Rogelio’s church to connect us. She showed them to him which eventually led us to travel to eight hours to Colima. While there, we taught about Spirit, Soul and Body and left several of Andrew’s books and sets of DE with him. As full as our calendar is this month, it was…
June 2011 Update
Have you ever been in the midst of a situation when all of the sudden you realize that you’re experiencing something that you could never have orchestrated? In fact, the everyday steps leading up to that moment are so ordinary that they create the perfect camouflage for something extraordinary. And that’s what’s so wonderful
about living everyday with the Lord Jesus...He makes the ordinary extraordinary and the normal supernatural.
Last November, we…
April - May 2011 Update
How can one glass of orange and celery juice affect 240 people nearly 13 years later? Some might say it’s just not possible or others might think that’s an awfully big glass of juice! No matter what you may be thinking about the combination of orange and celery juice in the same glass, we are still thanking the Lord that Martina (our sister-in-law) went out in search of it when she was expecting her third child 13 years ago.
Her craving led her to a lady who had a juice stand and while Monica was preparing this juice for Martina she asked her if…
March 2011 Update
Saturday evening, March 19th we had a great time of celebration with our discipleship group in Leon. After 5 months of training and an average of 25 people in attendance each week, we decided that a celebration was in order!
We arrived in Leon earlier that day in order to get things ready. Martina, our sister- in-law, offered to help us shop for everything and then prepare about…
February 2011 Update
It is our pleasure to be able to introduce to you Martha and Ricardo González who are the pastors we are working with in León. We met them years ago before they officially became pastors of Renacer (their church whose name means Reborn in English). During our family visits to León, we would always go to their church. None of us ever suspected that the Lord was connecting us for the things we are now doing together like the DE training.
January 2011 Update
In the fall of 2007, Alex and I gave Martina and Sergio a copy of Discipleship Evangelism. studying the lessons on Alex and I sat down
with Martina and Sergio to talk to them about how DE has affected their lives.
Hereʼs their story... Martina told us that she simply started studying the DE lessons on her own. Once she began to…
December 2010 Update
What a precious moment it is
when you realize that you are in the right place at the right time! In our Leon DE (Discipleship Evangelism) group, Gilberto was about to read his portion of that evening’s lesson and instead said, “I just have to say something about how good God is to answer our questions!”. We were studying a lesson called…
November 2010 Update
.. do you think it would be alright for me to be water baptized again?”
This is what one of our DE students asked the night we shared this lesson. And we hear statements like these regularly from the people we are discipling. It thrills our hearts to see people’s lives transformed before our eyes. We are literally watching people receive life-changing truth weekly.
This past Thursday, we taught…
October 2010 Update
Each weekend we have been visiting a church called Renacer (“Reborn” in English). We’ve known the pastors, Ricardo and Marta Gonzalez, for many years. We have also been privileged to speak there as well. It’s a growing congregation of 80 people. We recently got together with Ricardo and Marta and we were able to share about our plans for ministry.
Discipleship was the main focus of our conversation. As we described…
May - June 2010 Update
It was during a recent mission trip to Mexico that the Lord stirred Alex’s heart for his own people and gently spoke to Julie about going wherever He would like to send us. All the separate pieces of our lives have come together in a way that they hadn’t before since that trip and our graduation from Charis Bible College.
Early in the summer of 1982 as new believers we…